Benefits of Growing Cut Flowers
‘Growing your own cut flowers’ has many personnal benefits – it promotes physical exercise and being out in the fresh air gives a sense of well-being like getting back to nature. Finally there is enjoyment when flowers are harvested and arranged in a vase to view daily. Own grown cut flowers helps the mind & the body stay active and lifts the spirit.
Flowers are also hugely beneficial for bees & insects providing food & habitats for them and the bees & insects in turn help to pollinate your other flowers & veg. Flower growing helps to maintain a healthier eco-system.
Many of the flowers that are sold in florists/supermarkets are grown abroad either in heated polytunnels like Holland or Africa etc. The implications of carbon emissions and ‘airmiles’ to grow them/ship them to Britain can virtually be negated by growing your own cut flowers. There are also concerns about the chemicals used on commercial cut flowers either to control pest & diseases and/or to prolong their life during transportation. Grow your own and you can choose which method suits you.
‘Own grown’ cut flowers also allow you to appreciate the seasons and be in tune with what flowers when & for how long. You can be as creative as you wish with flowers to make either simple or grand arrangements to brighten your home. It is a good idea to use some of the flower seed mixes as they contain colours you may not have chosen but with experimentation you may come up with an unexpected surprises & colour combinations in your flower arrangements.
Cut Flowers make your garden look beautiful and create a peaceful and relaxing environment.
Growing your own cut flowers is a great outdoor hobby that can be appreciated indoors as well.